Thursday, February 9, 2012

How To Walk A Dog - Important Tips

Learning on how to walk a dog is very important to make both of you and your dog enjoy the strolling.  Here is article that gives us important tips on how to walk dogs without pulling and tugging.

To know how to leash train your pup is essential before learning how to walk a dog.  Here are the steps :

 (Always work in a fenced in area)
  • Start by attaching a light-weight leash to your puppy's collar.
  • Drop the leash and let the puppy drag it around.
  • Call your puppy, tell her "good girl", hug her, and pet her...whatever feels good to both of you.
  • Leave the leash on for only a few minutes and never leave it on her when you are not with her.
  • Do this several times over a few days and pretty soon your pup won't even notice the leash.

Now you can begin to learn how to walk a dog on a leash.
  • First, you need a 4 foot leash and a collar that won't slip off.
  • Start by having your dog sit on your left side facing front just like you.
  • As you say "Let's go", take a step starting with your left foot. Using your left foot all of the time will signal your dog that you are about to walk.
  • Walk at your normal walking pace and talk to your dog while you walk. Tell her what a good girl she is. You want her to be happy walking with you. Keep talking to her. Make it fun.
  • Go a few feet, then stop. You can praise her now. Or you can have her sit and then praise long as she stays with you.
  • Practice for 5-10 minutes several times a day. Keep it fun!

More tips on how to walk a dog :
It's best to teach new things in quiet places where your dog can concentrate on you.
If your dog is still not paying attention,try getting her to focus using her favorite treat.

How to Improve Your Dog's Walking Skills

Here are some things that are fun and help your dog to pay attention. They're best to do after your dog understands how to 'walk on a leash'.  If you like, bring along some treats.

Activity #1
As you're walking, call your dog's name and then say, "Come!". Immediately, start walking backwards. Your dog should turn around and walk or run happily towards you. While you're backing up, gather up the leash as your dog gets closer to you.
Let your dog catch up to you and praise him.

Activity #2
During your walk, gently turn around and go the opposite direction calling your dog so he goes with you. You will now be walking in the opposite direction, both going the same way. You can do this many times so he learns to go wherever you go.

Activity #3
While walking, make unexpected left turns, right turns, zigzags. Praise your dog.

Activity #4
While walking, go fast, slow, and then back to normal pace.

All of these things not only make walking fun, but keeps the dog's attention on you.

Walking your dog is good for your dog and good for you. Walking keeps both of you healthy and your bones strong.

Spending time with your dog is important. The more your dog knows you, the better he will understand what you want. The above are proven methods on how to walk a dog.  Take a walk every day, even if it's for just a couple of minutes.  Have a nice walk!
