Sunday, January 29, 2012

Teach a Dog Not to Bite

Do you need to teach a dog not to bite?  Even if your dog is still young it is important to teach your dog that biting is not allowed. Did you know that it is estimated there are over 800,000 dog bites in the US  that require medical treatments ? This article explains how essential to teach a dog not to bite.

It is estimated that the actual number of serious bites, though, is between four and five million. This is an epidemic that has a definite solution. Here are some tips for how to train a dog not to bite:

Make sure dogs are supervised around children. Dogs are animals and regardless of how well trained they are they can act inappropriately and bite. A responsible dog owner will not leave their dog alone with children regardless of how good the dog has been with kids in the past.

Make sure to obedience train your dog. Nearly 100% of biting dogs are dogs that don't have respect for proper structure and obedience. An obedient dog is far less likely to bite because an obedient dog understands and respects dominance and hierarchy.

Do a lot of leash training. When you teach a dog not to bite it is a good idea to use a leash so that you can give a quick correction if your dog tries to bite.

Be consistent in backing up any commands that you want to teach your dog. Too many dog owners quickly teach their dogs how optional their commands are by rarely backing up any commands. If you teach your dog that obedience training is optional then your dog will have less respect.

Above all it is important to use common sense when you teach a dog not to bite. Don't ever allow your dog to be in a position where it is impossible for him to have success.


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